Common Mistakes in Consumer Collection

September 24, 2024
Live Webinar
DateSep 24, 2024Duration90 minutes
08:00 AM PDT09:00 AM MDT
10:00 AM CDT11:00 AM EDT
    • Unlimited connections for your institution
    • Available on desktop, mobile & tablet
    • Take-away toolkit
    • Presenter’s contact info for questions
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  • Available on desktop, mobile & tablet devices 24/7
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  • Presenter's contact info for questions
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The world of delinquent borrowers is never boring and never stands still.

Credit risk is a hot examination topic as delinquency and charge-off ratios are rapidly increasing. Everyone understands there is a massive storm brewing on the delinquency horizon and even financial regulators are sending up warning signals! The one thing you cannot afford to do right now is NOTHING!
  • Create an effective collections process with optimal contact points
  • Leverage your existing technology
  • Utilize analytics with your mountain of borrower data
  • Efficiently manage third-party collections vendors
  • Appreciate increasing regulatory attention on collections
  • Avoid common compliance issues


An ounce of prevention is always worth more than a pound of cure! Too many institutions fail to consistently evaluate collections processes and fall victim to readily avoidable errors. Now is the time to reassess your collections processes to ensure you are getting the best results – while also assisting troubled borrowers and avoiding the increasing number of compliance landmines.

Join former collections attorney and veteran collections consultant David Reed as he walks through practical methods to evaluate your consumer collections efforts and provides real-world solutions to the most common collections mistakes.


This session will benefit executives, managers, collections managers, collectors, compliance officers, internal auditors, lending staff, and anyone involved in the collections and compliance processes.


  • Checklist of the top five mistakes in consumer collections
  • Sample collections inventory and risk assessment matrix
  • Recent debt collections regulatory guidance
  • Employee training log
  • Interactive quiz
  • PDF of slides and speaker’s contact info for follow-up questions
  • Attendance certificate provided to self-report CE credits

NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other institutions or those not employed by your institution is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.

Presented By

David A. Reed, JDDavid A. Reed
Reed & Jolly, PLLC