Traditional & Roth IRAs Part B: Distributions, Taxation, Withholding & Penalties
October 15, 2024
Live Webinar
DateOct 15, 2024Duration90 minutes
08:00 AM PDT09:00 AM MDT
10:00 AM CDT11:00 AM EDT
- Unlimited connections for your institution
- Available on desktop, mobile & tablet
- Take-away toolkit
- Presenter’s contact info for questions
On-Demand Webinar
- Unlimited & shareable access starting two business days after live stream
- Available on desktop, mobile & tablet devices 24/7
- Take-away toolkit
- Ability to download webinar video
- Presenter's contact info for questions
Are traditional and Roth IRA plans in your wheelhouse?
Part B of this two-part series
will cover distributions, taxation, withholding, and penalties. Whether you are
new to IRA plans or a seasoned veteran, this lively, well-paced webinar will
provide valuable information for individuals who deal face-to-face with IRA
- Explain traditional and Roth IRA distribution requirements
- Know the tax implications of traditional versus Roth IRA distributions
- Understand recent rule changes and IRS guidance on IRA premature distribution penalty tax rules and exceptions
- Define recent changes to IRA federal tax withholding rules and explain how to properly complete IRS Form W-4R
- Confidently discuss traditional IRA required minimum distributions and RMD age requirements
Plan to attend and
learn about the rules and considerations surrounding IRA plan distributions,
taxation, withholding, and penalties. This session will also review the traditional
IRA required minimum distribution rules, implications, and responsibilities,
including the recent increase in the RMD age, and new 2024 IRA penalty-free
distribution options. It will serve as a great refresher for experienced IRA professionals
and will provide an excellent training opportunity for those relatively new to
the IRA arena.
For a more complete
training experience, attend the September 18th program, Traditional
& Roth IRAs Part A: Eligibility, Contributions, Rollovers & Transfers.
This timely session will benefit staff who deal with IRA owners, IRA
operational professionals, and individuals with supervisory or managerial
responsibilities. Licensed insurance agents and registered representatives will
also benefit.
- Quick reference charts
- Link to IRS Publication 590-B: Distributions from Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs)
- Employee training log
- Interactive quiz
- PDF of slides and speaker’s contact info for follow-up questions
- Attendance certificate provided to self-report CE credits
NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission,
or republishing of any webinar to other institutions or those not employed by
your institution is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible
participants only.
Presented By
Frank LaLoggia
LaLoggia Consulting, Inc.