Frontline Series: Opening & Maintaining Consumer Accounts
March 12, 2025
Live Webinar
DateMar 12, 2025Duration90 minutes
08:00 AM PDT09:00 AM MDT
10:00 AM CDT11:00 AM EDT
- Unlimited connections for your institution
- Available on desktop, mobile & tablet
- Take-away toolkit
- Presenter’s contact info for questions
On-Demand Webinar
- Unlimited & shareable access starting two business days after live stream
- Available on desktop, mobile & tablet devices 24/7
- Take-away toolkit
- Ability to download webinar video
- Presenter's contact info for questions
There’s a lot of focus on how to open consumer accounts.
But what about ongoing maintenance? Since consumers and their needs continually change, the frontline must be ready for the multitude of questions that arise. If only accounts and consumers were static! This webinar will explain how to address changes related to names, ownership, product types, and more. What happens when there is a marriage or divorce? What if an owner needs to be added? What if the accountholder wants to change to a different product? All of these issues will be addressed during this jam-packed program where you’ll learn how to handle the lifecycle of change for accountholders from birth to death.
Presented By
Deborah L. Crawford
Gettechnical Inc.
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