Deposit Reg Series
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90-minute webinars - available live or on-demand
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Covering the most essential deposit regulations, this four-part series will provide the insights your financial institution needs to navigate today’s complex depository landscape.Equip your deposit team with the most critical tools to ensure regulatory compliance and enhance accountholder trust.
NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other institutions or those not employed by your institution is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.
Included Webinars:
Jul 30, 2025Webinar
Deposit Reg Series: Regulation DD - Truth in Savings Act
Presenter:Deborah L. Crawford
Regulation DD is the first stab at deposit fairness in the financial industry. It governs the payment of interest and disclosures of products, fees, interest, and APY for consumer accounts. This right-to-shop regulation enables consumers to compare products fairly from institution to institution. Learn about new account disclosures, change-in-terms disclosures, calculation and payment of interest, and overdraft requirements.
Aug 27, 2025Webinar
Deposit Reg Series: Regulation CC
Presenter:Deborah L. Crawford
Regulation CC has three main parts: checks and holds, collections, and substitute checks. This regulation covers disclosures, holds, inflation adjustments, and some collection issues, such as remote deposit capture and substitute checks. This session will look at how to choose disclosures, the mechanics of holds, and 2025 changes that will increase hold amounts.
Sep 24, 2025Webinar
Deposit Reg Series: Regulation E
Presenter:Deborah L. Crawford
Regulation E governs debits and credits to accounts by electronic means. It also includes error resolution, overdrafts, foreign remittances, and other increasingly complex issues. Learn how your accountholders can stop payment, file an error resolution request, and receive credit for unauthorized transactions. This has become a very important regulation now that accountholders have moved toward electronic payments and criminals are trying to hack personal identifying information. Also, while an unlikely pairing, overdraft opt-ins are also in Regulation E and have caused havoc when handled improperly.
Oct 29, 2025Webinar
Deposit Reg Series: Regulations D, P & GG
Presenter:Deborah L. Crawford
This program will look at three regulations that have had a great impact on the banking industry. The Regulation D section will address the difference between transaction and non-transaction accounts, product requirements, and what has happened to reserve requirements. The Regulation P piece will cover privacy policy disclosure requirements and how accountholders can opt out. And finally, your responsibilities for unlawful internet gambling (Regulation GG) will be explained. You will be provided with questions to ask when opening new accounts for business accountholders.