2024 Credit Analyst Series

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Credit analysts are the backbone of all lending programs.

And well-written loans are the heartbeat! Without these two things, no financial institution can survive. This four-part series will be presented by experts with decades of experience in credit analysis. Don’t miss their real-world insights and seasoned expertise!

Purchase webinars individually or buy the whole series to save 10%!


90-minute webinars - available live or on-demand
  • Regulatory Update for the Credit Analyst
  • Writing Concise, Complete & Effective Loan Presentations
  • Five Vital Financial Factors All Credit Analysts & Lenders Must Master
  • Debt Service Coverage Calculations in Underwriting

NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other institutions or those not employed by your institution is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.

Included Webinars:

Debt Service Coverage Calculations in Underwriting
Sep 19, 2024Webinar

Debt Service Coverage Calculations in Underwriting

Can you name one of the fundamental building blocks of credit analysis? Is calculating debt service coverage in your wheelhouse? Do you know how changes on the borrower’s balance sheet affect cash flow? What key items need to be considered when evaluating cash flow? This expert-led, insightful program will take a deep dive into debt service coverage calculations in underwriting.
Five Vital Financial Factors All Credit Analysts & Lenders Must Master

Five Vital Financial Factors All Credit Analysts & Lenders Must Master

There are five vital financial factors that all lenders must analyze in order to evaluate a borrower’s financial condition. Do you know what they are? Used in conjunction, they can detect any financial challenge a borrower is experiencing. This webinar will provide expert insight into the credit analysis process using a variety of financial tools. This session will define each factor and explain why they are important in the credit analysis process. Methods to determine each factor will be explored using financial statements, ratio analysis, reconciliation procedures, working capital analysis, and best practices in determining true cash flow.
Regulatory Update for the Credit Analyst

Regulatory Update for the Credit Analyst

In this highly scrutinized industry, it is critical to understand the regulatory agencies’ expectations, which are often influenced by economic factors. With the recent rise in interest rates and potential for challenges with CRE borrowers, it is more important than ever to be in sync with regulators. Irrespective of the economy, understanding regulators’ general expectations contributes to effective credit underwriting and management. What are regulators’ expectations for 2024? What are they most concerned about regarding effective credit management? Get expert insight on how to practically meet their expectations and effectively communicate with them, including how to constructively discuss any criticisms or disagreements.
Writing Concise, Complete & Effective Loan Presentations

Writing Concise, Complete & Effective Loan Presentations

Do you wish your loan presentations were more effective? Are they a struggle to write? Do you wonder if they answer the key questions the loan approvers have? How much detail you include is driven by the complexity of the credit and the type of credit being underwritten. This program will include samples of good (and not so good) content. Join us to learn how to write an effective, real-world loan presentation.