2024 Call Report Series

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The Call Report is one of the primary tools regulators use to monitor and supervise banks.

This series will benefit all Call Report preparers and reviewers, including CFOs, controllers, accounting officers, loan and credit administration officers, and others responsible for ensuring the accuracy and consistency of their institution’s quarterly Call Reports.

Purchase webinars individually or buy the whole series to save 10%!


90-minute webinars - available live or on-demand
  • Call Report Update 2024
  • Call Report Lending Schedule Preparation
  • Understanding Call Report Regulatory Capital
  • Auditing Call Reports: Compliance, Regulator Expectations & Best Practices

NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other institutions or those not employed by your institution is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.

Included Webinars:

Understanding Call Report Regulatory Capital
Aug 1, 2024Webinar

Understanding Call Report Regulatory Capital

Creating accurate quarterly Call Reports is an ongoing issue. Do you know how to report different types of capital? What about common deductions, risk weights, and unfunded commitments? Also, incorrect reporting elsewhere can impact reporting regulatory capital. Join this detailed webinar to learn how to ensure accuracy when dealing with regulatory capital.
Auditing Call Reports: Compliance, Regulator Expectations & Best Practices
Oct 8, 2024Webinar

Auditing Call Reports: Compliance, Regulator Expectations & Best Practices

With heightened examiner focus on call reporting and with bank resources strained to the limit, this session will help Call Report preparers and reviewers focus on efficiency, accuracy, and proper documentation when auditing their quarterly Call Reports. Best practices for the audit and review process will be discussed, along with regulatory expectations for the call reporting process. Session highlights will include ideas for finding common errors, ensuring consistency between Call Report schedules, properly documenting the preparation and review function, and utilizing the internal audit function to verify Call Report accuracy. Additionally, this session will cover the latest changes to the Call Report schedules and instructions.
Call Report Lending Schedule Preparation

Call Report Lending Schedule Preparation

Loan-related schedules pose some of the most difficult accuracy obstacles encountered in the gauntlet of call reporting. Because this exacting process presents challenges aplenty, this timely session will dive into various lending schedules, provide tips for accuracy, alert you to common mistakes, and help you ensure consistency throughout. Don’t miss it!
Call Report Series: Call Report Update 2024

Call Report Update 2024

Given the ever-changing accounting and regulatory landscape, it is imperative that Call Report preparers and reviewers stay current with changes to the reporting forms and instructions. The agencies continue to issue proposed and finalized changes that will impact all Call Report filers in 2024 and beyond. This session will highlight 2024 Call Report changes, in particular new guidance related to reporting loan modifications for borrowers experiencing financial difficulty, which has replaced TDR loan reporting. Results of the 2023 statutorily mandated full review of Call Reports will be addressed. The session will also cover recent changes to the Call Report instructions, as well as commonly misreported items, including reporting an institution’s loans, deposits, and regulatory capital.